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PICAXE Hello World

Posted by Henry 12/06/2018 0 Comment(s) App Notes,



This is a very fast simple example getting an PICAXE-28X2 Shield displays on a Matrix Orbital I2C LCD, I2C OLED or I2C VFD. A very quick Hello World demo with an ASCII counter.


;PICAXE with a Matrix Orbital I2C display Demo

;Created by Matrix Orbital, 12/6/2018

;web: www.matrixorbital.com

;support: support@matrixorbital.ca



symbol COUNTER = b1     ;create the COUNTER variable

COUNTER = 0      ;set COUNTER variable to 0


hi2csetup i2cmaster,$50,i2cslow,i2cbyte     ;set up i2c master for LCD, I2C address of $50, I2C Slow, I2C Byte




      hi2cout ($FE)     ;Display command prefix

      hi2cout ($58)     ;Clear screen Command 

      hi2cout ("Hello World ASCII: ")     ;output text

      hi2cout (COUNTER)      ;output COUNTER variable

      inc COUNTER     ;incriment COUNTER variable 

      pause 250      ;pause 250ms

      goto main





What you will see on the screen on start is “Hello World! ASCII:  0” The ASCII is showing the ASCII/FONT table of the display starting at 0x30 which is ASCII “0”



Things to note:

  1. The PIXAXE-28X2 Shield needs the  I2C 4.7k  pull up resistors installed
  2. Default address of Matrix Orbital I2C LCD, VFD or OLED displays is hex 50