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Application Notes

Information on using Matrix Orbital products.

CategorySub CategoryFile NameRevisionSizeDescriptionNotesFeaturesChange Log
CategorySub CategoryFile NameRevisionSizeDescriptionNotesFeaturesChange Log
Application NotesEVE Series BT81X-Series-Programming-Guide_v2.4.pdf 2.43.01MiB

EVE3 & EVE4 Programing Guide v2.4

BRT_AN_033 Version 2.4
Issue Date: 17-11-2023

Application NotesEVE Series  ESP32 EVE Example Code-1BExample code for the EVE on a ESP with the WEMOS D1 mini. Most models of the ESP32/ESP8266 should work, but are untested.
Application NotesEVE Series  STM32 EVE Example Code-1B

BASIC EVE STM32 Example Code

A quick and easy sanity check to ensure that your Matrix Orbital EVE2, EVE3 or EVE4 SPI TFT Display and touch hardware works properly.

This demo was developed on an STM32-Nucleo-F104RE but should easily transfer over to other variants

Application NotesEVE Series  Arduino EVE UNO Example Code-1B

Basic EVE Arduino UNO Example Code

Written for an EVE2 or EVE3 or EVE4 running on an Arduino UNO.

Application NotesEVE Series  Windows to EVE Bitmap viewer-1B

This is a sample application for Windows that will allow bitmaps to be displayed directly onto a Matrix Orbital EVE2, EVE3 or EVE4 Series Display

To use this application you will require an USB 2 SPI module or EVE3x or EVE4x USB version TFT Display.

Application NotesEVE Series  EVE C Library-1B

A C library for a Matrix Orbital EVE2, EVE3 or EVE4 SPI TFT displays.

Application NotesEVE Series  Windows EVE Test Demo Software-1B


This demo uses an EVE USB to SPI module to allow a simple Windows application to test your EVE display

A quick and easy sanity check to ensure that your Matrix Orbital EVE2, EVE3 or EVE4 SPI TFT Display and touch hardware works properly.

Windows Support Tool

Application NotesGTT Series Arduino RawButton AppNote 481.39KiB

Instructions and details for the Raw Button HMI Demo using the GTT Client Library API and Arduino Uno.

GTT SeriesGTT Designer Projects GTT29A Demo Design 7.8MiB

A keypad navigation is demonstration for a GTT29A display using the GTT Designer software tool.  Note: please open with GTT Designer version 2.8 or later.

GTT SeriesGTT Designer Projects Control Panel Arduino Code 1.68KiB

Basic code to process the Control Panel interface project for the GTT Designer.  To use, ensure the Control Panel Design is deployed to your GTT.

GTT SeriesGTT Designer Projects Control Panel Design 10.87MiB

A basic control panel interface project for the GTT Designer.  To use, open in the GTT Designer, and Deploy.  To run, use the Control Panel Code files.

GTT SeriesGTT Designer Projects Control Panel Design Application Note 857.32KiB

A summary of the design, code, and operation of the Control Panel GTT Design Example.

GTT Firmware Version:
GTT Designer Version:
Controller: Arduino Uno

GTT SeriesGTT Designer Projects Screen Tracking Design Arduino Code 3.02KiB

Basic code to control the menu interface in the Screen Tracking project for the GTT Designer.  To use, ensure the Screen Tracking Design and Images is deployed to your GTT.

GTT SeriesGTT Designer Projects Screen Tracking Design 8.61MiB

A simple menu interface project for the GTT Designer. To use, open the GTT Designer, and deploy. To run, use the Screen Tracking Code Files

GTT SeriesGTT Designer Projects Screen Tracking Design Application Note 693.92KiB

A summary of the design, code, and operation of the Screen Tracking GTT Design Example.

GTT Firmware Version:
GTT Designer Version:
Controller: Arduino Uno

GTT SeriesGTT Designer Projects Keypad Design Arduino Code 1.58KiB

Basic code to control the keypad interface project for the GTT Designer.  To use, ensure the Keypad Design is deployed to your GTT.

GTT SeriesGTT Designer Projects Keypad Design 2MiB

A basic keypad interface project for the GTT Designer.  To use, open in the GTT Designer, and Deploy.  To run, use the Keypad Code files.

GTT SeriesGTT Designer Projects Keypad Design Application Note 355.64KiB

A summary of the design, code, and operation of the Keypad GTT Design Example.

GTT Firmware Version:
GTT Designer Version:
Controller: Arduino Uno

Application NotesC Development Alphanumeric Clock and DOW Temperature Demo Code 13.96KiB

An advanced application that incorporates a Dallas One-Wire temperature measurement, reading and writing of Customer Data, and taking basic information from your PC to be shown on your display.

Application NotesC Development Alphanumeric Clock and DOW Temperature Appnote 456.14KiB

Instructions and details for the Alphanumeric Clock and DOW temperature Demo.

Application NotesX-Board Assembly X-Board Assembly 805.47KiB

X-Board Quick Installation Guide

Application NotesLinux Using Matrix Orbital Displays on Linux_rev12.pdf 661.28KiB

A detailed overview of Linux USB driver installation and methods for communicating to a Matrix Orbital display with C in a Linux environment.

Application NotesXModem YModem Documentation 48.29KiB

Complete documentation of the protocol used for Matrix Orbital XModem uploads.

Application NotesBASIC Stamp MOS BS Quick Install 385.29KiB
Application NotesPython Documentation Python Matrix Orbital Intelligent Series Module 675B

A simple Python module implementing text, command, and read functions on a Matrix Orbital display.

Application NotesPython Documentation Python Intelligent Series AppNote 376.43KiB

A summary of functions used to send text and commands to as well as read from a Matrix Orbital display in Python.

Application NotesArduino Development Arduino Intelligent Series I2C Code 2.13KiB

A zipped version of the .ino file used for this demo.

Application NotesArduino Development Arduino Intelligent Series I2C Application Note 514.77KiB

A summary of functions used to set up a simple menu structure using the Matrix Orbital I2C protocol.

Application NotesC Development Alphanumeric Library Demo Code 9.52KiB

Complete C language Demo Code for use with the LK162-4T and LK162-7T, as well as Library files for use with all Matrix Orbital Alphanumeric Displays

Application NotesC Development Alphanumeric C Library AppNote 147.62KiB

Instructions and details for the Alphanumeric C Library Demo.

Application NotesC++ Development Intelligent Series C++ Input/Output 18.53MiB

A slightly more complex I/O app for a Matrix Orbital display introducing reading and streamlining earlier concepts.

Application NotesC++ Development Intelligent Series C++ Hello World 6KiB

A simple Hello World app for a Matrix Orbital display introducing serial port operations, text transmission, and commands.

Application NotesC++ Development Intelligent Series C++ AppNote 292.83KiB

A summary of functions used to send text and commands to as well as read from a Matrix Orbital display in C++.

Application NotesC# Development Intelligent Series C# DOW 28.04KiB

An advanced Dallas One-Wire Temperature reading application that introduces more advanced reading and writing protocols.

Application NotesC# Development Intelligent Series C# Keypad 26.42KiB

A moderate keypad monitoring app that introduces more advanced reading techniques.

Application NotesC# Development Intelligent Series C# GPO 22.5KiB

A moderate General Purpose Output toggling program introducing more advanced writing techniques.

Application NotesC# Development Intelligent Series C# Hello World 22.48KiB

A simple Hello World app for a Matrix Orbital display introducing serial port operations, text transmission, and commands.

Application NotesC# Development Intelligent Series C# On Code Document 50.95KiB

A brief description of the methods used to write text and commands, as well as read from, a Matrix Orbital display.

Application NotesArduino Development Arduino GTT (Rev2.0) Coordinate Touch 1.34KiB

A more advanced drawing app for a Matrix Orbital GTT display introducing I2C reading, event parsing, and feedback commands. Required autoexec file is provided, please save it to the root folder of your GTT.

Application NotesArduino Development Arduino GTT (Rev2.0) Hello World 1.17KiB

A simple Hello World app for a Matrix Orbital GTT display introducing Arduino I2C libraries, text transmission, and commands. Required autoexec file is provided, please save it to the root folder of your GTT.

Application NotesArduino Development Arduino GTT (Rev2.0) Application Note 585.63KiB

A brief description of the hardware and software set-up used in this application to write text and commands, as well as read from a Matrix Orbital GTT display using I2C protocol.

Application NotesC# Development GTT (Rev2.0) C# Calculator 601.41KiB

A more complex app for a Matrix Orbital GTT display using the GTT Driver C# library to handle touch events. Files required are saved within the GTT Files folder, please save them to the root directory of your GTT.

Application NotesC# Development GTT (Rev2.0) C# Hello World 77.34KiB

A simple Hello World app for a Matrix Orbital GTT display introducing Matrix Orbital GTT Driver C# libraries, text transmission, and commands. No extra files required.

Application NotesC# Development GTT (Rev2.0) C# Application Note 511.21KiB

A brief description of the hardware and software set-up used in this application to write text and commands, as well as read using both synchronous and event driven methods from a Matrix Orbital GTT display using serial protocol and the Matrix Orbital C# Driver Library.

GTT SeriesGTT Rev2.0 Feature Demo GTT70A Demo Files 14.81MiB

A zipped folder containing all files required to run the features demo on a GTT&0A. Please read the AppNote for setup information and expected outcomes.

GTT SeriesGTT Rev2.0 Feature Demo GTT50A Demo Files 14.81MiB

A zipped folder containing all files required to run the features demo on a GTT50A. Please read the AppNote for setup information and expected outcomes.

GTT SeriesGTT Rev2.0 Feature Demo GTT43A Demo Files 13.75MiB

A zipped folder containing all files required to run the features demo on a GTT43A. Please read the AppNote for setup information and expected outcomes.

GTT SeriesGTT Rev2.0 Feature Demo GTT38A Demo Files 11.44MiB

A zipped folder containing all files required to run the features demo on a GTT38A. Please read the AppNote for setup information and expected outcomes.

GTT SeriesGTT Rev2.0 Feature Demo GTT35A Demo Files 13.77MiB

A zipped folder containing all files required to run the features demo on a GTT35A. Please read the AppNote for setup information and expected outcomes.

GTT SeriesGTT Rev2.0 Feature Demo GTT2.0 Features Demo AppNote 577.42KiB

A brief introduction to the methods and functions showcased in the features demo.

GTT SeriesGTT Example Files GTT Example Files 770.27KiB

Zipped folder containing Autoexec, 9-Slice, Animation, and Region example files in individual folders.

GTT SeriesGTT Example Files GTT Example File Instructions 508.37KiB

Document outlining how to use the file examples with expected outcomes and feature insight.