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Matrix Orbital drivers, software and firmware

CategorySub CategoryFile NameRevisionSizeDescriptionNotesFeaturesChange Log
CategorySub CategoryFile NameRevisionSizeDescriptionNotesFeaturesChange Log
SoftwareEVE Software EAB 2.12.0 RC2 Installation Package.1.zip 124.46MiB

EVE Asset Builder (EAB) 2.12.0

SoftwareEVE Software EVE.Screen.Editor.v4.10.0_RC1.zip 4.10.0 RC165.12MiB

EVE Screen Editor (ESE) 4.10.0 RC1

The EVE screen editor is a Windows based tool, designed to allow EVE customers to experiment with creating display lists, utilizing a simple “drag and drop” method to control the EVE graphics controller.
EVE Screen Editor (ESE) 4.6.0 RC1

The EVE screen editor is a Windows based tool, designed to allow EVE customers to experiment with creating display lists, utilizing a simple “drag and drop” method to control the EVE graphics controller.

Feature updates

• Show stencil value when user hovers the mouse on the pixel of viewport.
• Match hardware rendering, optimized.
• CMD_ANIMDRAW is not required in the generated commands when drag&drop a animation object in RAM.
• Add a console window to print the message of Script Editor out.
• Change text from "GameDuino2" to "Gameduino2" in ESE.
• Enable the inclusion of space characters within expressions.
• Blob version update.
• Enhance user experience in the script editor.
• Reduced redundant lines when converting from DXT1 format.
• Update examples for Script editor (filename).
• Keyboard support for deleting items in the Content window.
• Remove ftdi website reference in the About box.
• Create an example project to run multiple animation channels simultaneously on one screen by using CMD_RUNANIM.
• Enhance communication between Toolbox and Editor.

Resolved issues

• BITMAP_LAYOUT shows the wrong parameter in the property window.
• The Welcome dialog should not appear when a user opens ESE directly from a .ese file.
• The address of the padding file in flash storage is loaded incorrectly.
• Interpret the address as negative for BITMAP_SOURCE address in FT81X device.
• Cannot display full-screen when running the exported Emulator project after changing the project's device.
• The NOP command is displaying incorrectly in some places.
• Improper communication between the Content window and the RAM_G window.
• ESE crashes when changing Image formats.
• Unexpected alignment is shown.
• Using incorrectly commands on the Display List editor for DXT1 format.
• Text is generated incorrectly for some commands in the editor.
• ESE crashes when dragging and dropping primitives into viewport.
• Issues with the generated commands of the animation in Flash address.
• The initial values are not correct with BITMAP_TRANSFORM commands

SoftwareEVE Software EVE Asset Builder Setup-2.11.0_rc2 2.11.0RC2121.62MiB

EVE Asset Builder (EAB) 2.11.0

Feature Updates

ASTC Encoder
• Users can now select any version of astcenc for improved flexibility.
• The ASTC encoder has been updated to version 4.x.
• Added an ASTC Encoder link in the Info tab for quick access.

Font Converter
• The output file _charmap.txt has been removed for a cleaner output.

Flash Utilities
• A separate option for BT817A has been added for better usability.
• Added subtype for animation to enhance animation support.

Animation Converter
• Reversed the arrangement of .data and .object for user convenience.
• Removed the .anim file from the output folder.

• Aligned the converted value to the left for improved readability.
Image Converter
• Improved the generated SampleApp for DXT1 bitmap generation.
Custom Touch Compiler
• Added a new compiler for BT88X/FT81X.
• Included new macros and pseudo code in the Read Me tab.
• The setup file is now signed with a company certificate.
Resolved Issues

Animation Converter
• Resolved the issue associated with 2-frame GIF input.
• Addressed the bug that occurs when disabling the Tile Size.

Flash Programmer
• Corrected the text argument of Eve chip generation.
Font Converter
• Fixed the bug related to the wrong baseline in Font Converter.

Sample App
• Resolved the issue of excessive restore_context() command.
Image Utilities
• The layout of the Input File is no longer cut at the top.

SoftwareGTT Designer Software GTT 2.0 Design Software 37.52MiB

Develop and maintain gorgeous user interfaces and menu structures for your GTT using this immersive Windows environment tool. Design Software for the GTT Rev2.0 line, supports the GTT29A, GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT43A, GTT50A, GTT52B, and GTT70A.

Changes from v1.14.0.10441: 

  • Bug Fixes

Supported by firmware version R2.14.0.13201

FirmwareGTT Firmware GTT Rev2.0 Firmware R2.14.0.13201.zip 474.8KiB

Firmware files for the GTT series, including the GTT Client Library.  Supported units: GTT29A, GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT38C, GTT43A, GTT50A, GTT52B, GTT70A.

Released on November 24, 2023

GTT Firmware Changelog from R2.13.0.10563:

  • Several bug fixes
  • Minor feature additions
  • Support implementation for new display modules

SoftwareEVE Software EVE.Screen.Editor.v4.6.0_RC1.zip 4.6.0 RC141.99MiB

EVE Screen Editor (ESE) 4.6.0 RC1

The EVE screen editor is a Windows based tool, designed to allow EVE customers to experiment with creating display lists, utilizing a simple “drag and drop” method to control the EVE graphics controller.

Version 4.6.0
Feature updates:
Х   Improve inspector.
Х   Improve the registers window.
Х   Improvement on RAM_CMD window.
Х   Add an inspector window for RAM_CMD.
Х   Add one more section for exporting projects.
Х   Add one more example project "Circle Line".
Х   Add the support of IDM2040-7A board in export menu.
Х   Apply the anti-aliasing effect to the inner circle in the "stencil fanshape" example project.
Х   Add NOP into register MACRO 0 and 1.
Х   Add one more chapter Work with EAB in the user guide of ESE.
Х   Add button in toolbar to toggle on/off alignment behaviour.
Х   Enhance 3rd party lib usage.
Х   Change font size of Coprocessor and Display List editor.
Х   Keep one instance of inspector window when it is poped up.
Х   Add VM880C module (480x272) submenu in the export menu.
Х   Support screen rotation by configuring the REG_ROTATE without touch coordination system rotation.

Resolved issues:
Х   The Properties window should not pop up when changing steps in the Controls window
Х   A widget cannot be deleted if its command is the last one in the Coprocessor window.
Х   Unexpected behavior when user drops a new Content item with the Examples.
Х   Toolbox does not resume from display list mode to coprocessor mode.
Х   The source file should be relative file path.
Х   The app crashes when the line limit for the Coprocessor/Display List editor is exceeded.
Х   The error popup does not close when we already have a content item.
Х   Unable to build the export project successfully with FT81X devices.

Х   When the REG_ROTATE is changed, the emulator does not allow for item selection on the newly rotated screen. Instead, users must select items from the previous position.

SoftwareEVE Software EVE-Asset-Builder-setup-2.9_rc1.zip 2.9.0 RC1104.21MiB

EVE Asset Builder (EAB) 2.9.0

The EVE Asset Builder is a GUI based tool designed to simplify generation of all assets used by EVE ICs to realise feature rich HMI’s. This includes conversion of image files, audio files and font files as per the previous generation command line tools.

Features updates
- [Session]
   + Change default folder to /work_space/sesion
   + The active session is now enabled by default.
   + Users are asked for saving when they stop a session.
- [Disassembler]
   + Add hint for Detail Output
   + Improvements have been made to the output text format
   + C-style comment is supported
- [Font Converter]
   + Add an option to reserve \x20 for space character in ordinal mode
   + The layout has been simplified.
   + Revise the fnt_cvt tool manual
- [PNG/JPEG Validator]
   + Provide a user friendly conclusion
   + Utilize QGraphicView to show preview image
- [UI]
   + Make the ASTC Preset consistent
   + The command line is now shown by default
   + The Input File section can now be adjusted.
- [BIN2C] Add the inclusion of "stdint.h" in the generated C file
- [Animation Converter] Add a JSON file to replace the readme file.
- [EAB] Support BT88X
- A new tool to optimize display list commands has been added.
- The JSON file for all utilities has been improved.

Resolved issues
- Fixed an issue in the Video Converter where a progress dialogue was displayed again after converting was done.

SoftwareEVE Software EVE-Asset-Builder-setup-2.8_rc1.zip 2.8.0 RC1104.7MiB

EVE Asset Builder (EAB) 2.8.0 RC1

The EVE Asset Builder is a GUI based tool designed to simplify generation of all assets used by EVE ICs to realise feature rich HMI’s. This includes conversion of image files, audio files and font files as per the previous generation command line tools.

SoftwareEVE Software EVE.Screen.Editor.v4.5.0_RC1.zip 4.5.0 RC142.01MiB

EVE Screen Editor (ESE) 4.5.0 RC1

The EVE screen editor is a Windows based tool, designed to allow EVE customers to experiment with creating display lists, utilizing a simple “drag and drop” method to control the EVE graphics controller.

SoftwareEVE Software EVE-Asset-Builder-setup-2.7.0_rc1.zip 2.7.0RC199.19MiB

EVE Asset Builder (EAB) 2.7.0

The EVE Asset Builder is a GUI based tool designed to simplify generation of all assets used by EVE ICs to realise feature rich HMI’s. This includes conversion of image files, audio files and font files as per the previous generation command line tools.

SoftwareEVE Software EVE-Screen-Editor-v4.4.0_rc1.exe.zip 4.4.0 RC141.57MiB

EVE Screen Editor (ESE) 4.4.0 RC1

The EVE screen editor is a Windows based tool, designed to allow EVE customers to experiment with creating display lists, utilizing a simple “drag and drop” method to control the EVE graphics controller.

SoftwareHTT Utilities HTT Utility for Windows R2.1.13867.zip 2.1.1386774.51KiB

Required: HTT muti-touch firmware >= R2.1.11953

Released on May 12, 2021

Allows the configuration of:

  • Automatic backlight dimming, with up to 4 stages
  • Backlight brightness fade, making the adjustment between brightness smooth
  • Alarm Function, 16 different alarms and backlight flashing by command
  • Factory Reset command, unit will restart
  • Haptic, Peizo feedback

FirmwareHTT Firmware HTT Series Firmware Installation Guide 217.65KiB

FirmwareHTT Firmware HTT Firmware R2.1.11953.zip 2.1.1195316.13KiB
  • New Firmware for the HTT Series of HDMI Displays.

    Released on May 13, 2021

Change log from R2.0.11139

  • Automatic backlight dimming, with up to 4 stages
  • Backlight brightness fade, making the adjustment between brightness smooth
  • Alarm Function, 16 different alarms and backlight flashing by command
  • Factory Reset command, unit will restart
  • Haptic, Peizo feedback

SoftwareHTT Utilities HTT Utility for Windows R2.0.11141.zip 2.0.1114180.22KiB

Required: HTT muti-touch firmware >= R2.0.10589

Released on May 5, 2020

Allows the configuration of

  • Automatic backlight dimming, with up to 4 stages
  • Backlight brightness fade, making the adjustment between brightness smooth
  • Alarm Function, 16 different alarms and backlight flashing by command
  • Factory Reset command, unit will restart
  • Haptic, Peizo feedback

FirmwareHTT Firmware HTT Firmware R2.0.11139.zip 2.0.1113913.75KiB

Firmware file for the HTT HDMI TFT series.

Released on May 13, 2020

Changelog from R2.0.10589

  • Backlight control via HTT Utility command
  • Support for PCB Revisions ≥ 2.0  features (piezo and motor)
SoftwareHTT Utilities  HTT Utility Source Code for Linux-1B

A quick and easy utility to change the touch screen settings on Matrix Orbitals HTT HDMI TFT LCD range of products.

SoftwareGTT Designer Software GTT 2.0 Design Software 1.1437.44MiB

Develop and maintain gorgeous user interfaces and menu structures for your GTT using this immersive Windows environment tool. Design Software for the GTT Rev2.0 line, supports the GTT29A, GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT43A, GTT50A, GTT52B, and GTT70A.

Changes from v1.13.0.10242: 

  • New Feature: Added Secure Communications Option Tick Box
  • New Feature: Added Status Messages Option Tick

Supported by firmware version R2.13.0.10528

SoftwareHTT Utilities HTT Multitouch Calibration R2.0.10592.zip 2.0.1059226.75KiB

Calibration software for the HTTXX-TPR series.  For use in Windows only.

Released on January 8, 2019

For use with HTT with >= R2.0.10592 firmware

FirmwareGTT Firmware GTT Rev2.0 Firmware R2.13.0.10563 2.13474.4KiB

Firmware files for the GTT series, including the GTT Client Library.  Supported units: GTT29A, GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT38C, GTT43A, GTT50A, GTT52B, GTT70A.

Released on December 19, 2018

GTT Firmware Changelog from R2.12.0.10217:

  • New Feature: Added Support for NEW GTT52B module
  • New Feature: Added Create Folder Command
  • New Feature: Added support for >4GB uSD memory cards
  • New Feature: Added Secured Communication, Command 254 251 Flags[U8] bit 0 (wrapping commands with CRC check)**
  • New Feature: Added Option to Using Secured Communication, Command 254 251 Flags[U8] bit 1**
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Animation rendering
  • Bug Fix: Clipping command was off by 1
  • Bug Fix: Stroke pad not rendering
  • Optimization: Enhanced floating point labels in Charts

** please see GTT Developer Manual 

FirmwareGTT Firmware GTT Rev2.0 Bootloader R1.8.0.10540 1.0165.65KiB

This is a bootloader upgrade only, simply copy the .bin and .raw files to your GTT Upgrade folder and cycle power.

Do not delete the existing .bin firmware file. 

Changelog from R1.7.0.9031:

  • Added support >4GB uSD memory cards 
  • Added support for new GTT38C display module
FirmwareGTT Firmware GTT Rev2.0 Bootloader R1.7.0.9031 1.0166.17KiB

This is a bootloader upgrade only, simply copy the .bin and .raw files to your GTT Upgrade folder and cycle power.

Do not delete the existing .bin firmware file.

Changelog from R1.6.0.8428:

Added support GTT38A_ETH prototype unit 

FirmwareGTT Firmware GTT Rev2.0 Firmware R2.12.0.10217 2.12476.21KiB

Firmware files for the GTT series, including the GTT Client Library.  Supported units: GTT29A, GTT35AGTT38AGTT43AGTT50AGTT52B, GTT70A.

Changelog from R2.11.0.10067

  • New Feature: Added Communication Logging feature
  • New Feature: Added Colour Properties for Chart Axes
  • New Feature: Added Tick Frequency and Length for Chart Axes
  • Bug Fix: Fixed alignment and clipping issues for Chart Axes
  • Bug Fix: Fixed possible overflow for large data packets
  • Bug Fix: Fixed printing of floating point numbers
  • Optimization: Decrease font rendering speed
SoftwareGTT Designer Software GTT 2.0 Design Software 1.1336.64MiB

Develop and maintain gorgeous user interfaces and menu structures for your GTT using this immersive Windows environment tool. Design Software for the GTT Rev2.0 line, supports the GTT29A, GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT43A, GTT50A, GTT52B, and GTT70A.

Version brings the release of a major new GTT2.5 tool: charts, as well as development features such as logging and screenshots, in addition to minor bug fixes.

Changes from v1.12.0.10123

  • New Feature: Added Screenshot command to Tools
  • New Feature: Added Communication Logging commands to Tools
  • New Feature: Added Tick Frequency and Length for Chart Axes
  • Bug Fix: Correctly display Animation, Graph, and ImageList bitmaps after paste
  • Bug Fix: Correctly set the Font Window size based on screen size
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where multiple objects were assigned the same ID
DriversUSB Drivers 32/64 Bit USB Drivers

USB Drivers for All USB displays

  • EVE2, EVE3, EVE4: Including the EVE2-USB2SPI, EVE-USB2SPI-KIT-B and EVE3x and EVE4x displays
  • LK/VK/OK: LCD, VFD, OLED Series
  • ELK/EGLK: External LCD's
  • GLK/GLT: Graphic LCD's
  • GTT: Intelligent UART TFT Series
  • MOU: All MOU Series

32/64 Bit USB Drivers Version For Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and 11 and Windows Server 2008 R2, 2012 R2, and 2016.

Based on 2.12.28 Drivers from FTDI.

SoftwareAlphanumeric Software DisplayTunerPro v1.0.0.0 Software

Display Tuner Pro (MOCD#) is an update to our popular uProject testing software for Matrix Orbital displays.  It adds support for new features and displays, including legacy and graphic units, to our established base of features and scripting.  This tool supports all Matrix Orbital Intelligent and Economy Series displays, including the following:

  • GLK Series (GLK12232-25-SM, GLK12232-25, GLK19264-7T-1U, GLK24064-25, GLK24064R-25-1U, GLK240128-25)
  • GLT Series (GLT12232-SM, GLT24064R-1U, GLT24064, GLT240128)
  • GOK Series (GOK12232A-25-SM, GOK12832-25-SM)
  • LCD/OLED/VFD Series (LCD0821, LCD2041, OLED0821, OLED2041, VFD2041)
  • LK Series (LK162-12, LK162A-4T, LK162B-7T, LK202-25, LK204-25, LK204-7T-1U, LK402-25, LK404-25)
  • MOI/MOS/MOU Series (MOS, MOU, XBoard-S, XBoard-U)
  • OK Series (OK162-12, OK202-25, OK204-25)
  • VK Series (VK162-12, VK202-25, VK204-25, VK246-25)
  • And all Legacy Displays
DriversUSB Drivers Legacy USB Drivers 2.08.24

Legacy USB Drivers for all USB displays, except the GX. Including LK/ELK/VK/PK/OK/GLK/EGLK/GLT/GTT/MOU/X-Board/MX/Eve Series.

Legacy USB Drivers Version 2.08.24-1 For Windows XP, and Vista, and Windows Server 2003, and 2008.

Based on Legacy 2.08.24 Drivers from FTDI.

SoftwareGTT Designer Software GTT 2.0 Design Software 1.1236.64MiB

Develop and maintain gorgeous user interfaces and menu structures for your GTT using this immersive Windows environment tool. Design Software for the GTT Rev2.0 line, supports the GTT29A, GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT43A, GTT50A, GTT52A, and GTT70A.

Version brings new GTT2.5 tools, including Images, ImageLists, and Animations, optimizations for screen loading and switching, and implements a number of bug fixes.

Changes from v1.11.0.9989

  • New Tool: Image (GTT2.5)
  • New Tool: Image List
  • New Tool: Animation (GTT2.5)
  • Bug Fix: Updated the ToggleText object to show the correct text when starting in the down state
  • Optimization: Removed duplicate bitmap generation when global bitmaps are used.
  • Optimization: Removed screen flicker when navigating between screens .
FirmwareGTT Firmware GTT Rev2.0 Firmware R2.11.0.10067 2.11437.37KiB

Firmware files for the GTT series, including the GTT Client Library.  Supported units: GTT29A, GTT35AGTT38AGTT43AGTT50AGTT52B, GTT70A.

Changelog from R2.10.0.9823

  • New Feature: Added GTT Client Library
  • New Feature: Added Screenshot command
  • New Feature: Added GTT2.5 command to Get/Set Backlight
  • New Feature: Added MAC commands for Ethernet units
  • Bug Fix: Correctly set proper first frame for an animation
  • Bug Fix: Fixed and issue where single GTT25 events were processed twice in the client library
  • Optimization: Improved space usage for Flash memory
  • Optimization: Improved update speed when large numbers of objects are on screen
SoftwareGTT Designer Software GTT 2.0 Design Software 1.1136.6MiB

Develop and maintain gorgeous user interfaces and menu structures for your GTT using this immersive Windows environment tool. Design Software for the GTT Rev2.0 line, supports the GTT29A, GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT43A, GTT50A, GTT52A, and GTT70A.

Version brings new tools, including Raw Buttons and Toggles, updates the Actions tab with an option to Clear All Traces, adds more Image Assets, and implements a number of bug fixes.

Changes from v1.10.0.9818

  • New Tool: Raw Button, Raw Button, which allows changed to background colour, as per Forum request from Druid
  • New Tool: Raw Toggle
  • New Action: Clear All Traces
  • Tool Update: Added Style options for Bar tools with labels including: None, Percentage, and Value
  • Tool Update: Added Disabled and Focus images to the BasicToggle25 Tool
  • Bug Fix: Corrected an issue where motor feedback selection activated piezo and vice versa
  • Bug Fix: Added transparent colour check for labels of all bars
  • Bug Fix: Fixed missing bitmap on copy/paste issue for Toggle Text Tool
  • New Feature: Added Image Assets
  • Optimization: Moved default SaveAs folder to one level higher
  • Optimization: Moved send events to host node for buttons to execute before scripts
SoftwareGTT Designer Software GTT 2.0 Design Software 1.1013.87MiB

Develop and maintain gorgeous user interfaces and menu structures for your GTT using this immersive Windows environment tool. Design Software for the GTT Rev2.0 line, supports the GTT29A, GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT43A, GTT50A, GTT52A, and GTT70A. Version brings new tools, such as Axis Ticks and Two Colour Bargraphs, updates the Actions tab with options such as Set Bargraphs Colour and Set Gauge Test Colour, optimizations found in the updated Settings windows that allow even more loading options, and a number of bug fixes.

Changes from v1.9.0.9645

  • New Tool: Gui Axis Ticks
  • New Tool: Two Colour Bargraph
  • New Action: Set Slider Text Colour
  • New Action: Set Bargraph Colour
  • New Action: Set Gauge Text Colour
  • New Action: Set Gauge Needle Colour
  • GUI Update: Split Settings into Project and Display Settings tabs
  • GUI Update: Added Images option for Button objects
  • GUI Update: Added Text property and methods for Button objects to Report
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where Bar Update Actions were not executed correctly for GTT2.5 objects
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where the frequency of up/down beep responses was the same
  • Bug Fix: Corrected Up/Down Text implementation for Toggle Text
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where Bars with Labels displayed incorrect values when min/max were swapped
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where copying a screen with a hidden images resulted in an error
  • New Feature: Added Global Bitmaps to allow projects to be optimized for faster screen switches
  • New Feature: Added Loader Screen to display progress when booting, especially when Global Bitmaps are used
  • New Feature: Added Developer .c/.h files for future Client Library functionality
  • Optimization: Moved the font cache inititialization before the loader code
FirmwareGTT Firmware GTT Rev2.0 Firmware R2.10.0.9823 2.10384.38KiB

Firmware files for the GTT series.  Supported units: GTT29A, GTT35AGTT38AGTT43AGTT50AGTT52B, GTT70A.

Changelog from R2.9.0.9625

  • New Feature: Added a Visual Bitmap feature for future Designer tool.
  • New Feature: Added a Raw Button for future Designer upgrade.
  • New Feature: Added a GTT2.5 style Animation for future Designer upgrade.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed issue where Scripted Buttons would not execute properly on screen changes
  • Bug Fix: Fixed issue where the Append Label Event was not working
  • Optimization: Added a method to process outstanding redraws faster.
FirmwareGTT Firmware GTT Rev2.0 Firmware R2.8.0.9398 2.8384.38KiB

Firmware files for the GTT series.  Supported units: GTT29A, GTT35AGTT38AGTT43AGTT50AGTT52B, GTT70A.

Changelog from R2.7.0.8424

  • Object Update: Updated all implementation of Buttons
  • Bug Fix: Fixed issue where Sliders would not respond
  • Bug Fix: Fixed issue where Label colours were not updated correctly
  • Optimization: Cleanup nineslice and animations at shutdown
  • Optimization: Fixed memory leaks causing reboot
  • New Feature: Added Disabled state for Buttons
  • New Feature: Added Focus (Selected) state for Buttons
  • New Display: Added support for GTT52B
  • New Feature: Added global increment/decrement and set Focus
  • New Feature: Added EventGraphs to allow more Button/Keypad functionality
  • Bug Fix: Corrected response from Font Caching command
SoftwareGTT Designer Software GTT 2.0 Design Software 1.813.82MiB

Develop and maintain gorgeous user interfaces and menu structures for your GTT using this immersive Windows environment tool. Design Software for the GTT Rev2.0 line, supports the GTT29A, GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT43A, GTT50A, GTT52A, and GTT70A. Version brings full support for the integrated keypad of the GTT29A, exciting tool updates that offer enhanced customization, new event actions that improve object interaction, and minor GUI improvements to the Designer, including additional gauge designs.

Changes from v1.7.0.9105

  • New Display: Added GTT52B support
  • New Tool: Added Square Gauge
  • New Tool: Added Image Gauge
  • Tool Update: Upgraded implementation of all Button elements
  • Tool Update: Upgraded Gauge Label position to allow dynamic placement
  • Tool Update: Implemented real-time Designer response to Gauge value
  • Tool Update: Implemented Label and Tick Colours for Gauges
  • New Event: Added Set Button State and Set Button Focus actions
  • New Event: Added Set Button Text Colour action
  • New Event: Added Increment/Decrement Focus Action
  • New Feature: Added Disabled parameter to Buttons
  • New Feature: Added Focus (Selected) parameter to Buttons
  • New Feature: Added a Key Scan Code to Buttons to allow activation from Keypad
  • GUI Update: Improved visual styles for some Buttons
  • GUI Update: Added additional Gauge styles to Assets
  • GUI Update: Separated Legacy tools
  • Bug Fix: Minor updates to fix gauge needle length in the Designer view
  • Optimization: Disabled responses during screen load to reduce chatter
SoftwareGTT Designer Software GTT 2.0 Design Software 1.78.73MiB

Develop and maintain gorgeous user interfaces and menu structures for your revision 2.0 GTT using this immersive Windows environment tool. Design Software for the GTT Rev2.0 line, supports the GTT29A, GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT43A, GTT50A, GTT52A, and GTT70A. Version includes enhanced reporting for advanced tools, property additions to the gauge tick parameters, and GUI improvements.

SoftwareGTT Designer Software GTT 2.0 Design Software 1.68.71MiB

Develop and maintain gorgeous user interfaces and menu structures for your revision 2.0 GTT using this immersive Windows environment tool. Design Software for the GTT Rev2.0 line, supports the GTT29A, GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT43A, GTT50A, GTT52A, and GTT70A. Version includes major feature improvements including new tools, such as gauges and bars, updates to exisiting tools, GUI improvements, the addition of a Links tab for connecting objects, and full support for new commands released in GTT Firmware Version 2.7.

FirmwareGTT Firmware GTT Rev2.0 Bootloader R1.6.0.8428 166.08KiB

Note: This is a bootloader upgrade only, simply copy the .bin and .raw files to your GTT Upgrade folder and cycle power. Do not delete the existing .bin firmware file. 

FirmwareGTT Firmware GTT Rev2.0 Firmware R2.7.0.8428 2.71.19MiB
SoftwareGTT Support Software GTT 2.0 Support Software 02.2306.13KiB

Support Software for the GTT Rev2.0 line, supports the GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT43A, GTT50A, and GTT70A. Version adds support for firmware version 2.6 commands and fixes an issue with the Print UTF-8 command.

FirmwareGTT Firmware GTT Rev2.0 Firmware R2.6.0.8194 2.61.1MiB
SoftwareGTT Designer Software GTT 2.0 Design Software 1.58.53MiB

Develop and maintain gorgeous user interfaces and menu structures for your revision 2.0 GTT using this immersive Windows environment tool. Design Software for the GTT Rev2.0 line, supports the GTT29A, GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT43A, GTT50A, and GTT70A. Version includes minor updates to the deployment window, style updates, the addition of an Events tab for visual script creation, and full support for new commands released in GTT Firmware Version 2.6.

SoftwareGTT Designer Software GTT 2.0 Design Software 1.48.41MiB

Develop and maintain gorgeous user interfaces and menu structures for your revision 2.0 GTT using this immersive Windows environment tool. Design Software for the GTT Rev2.0 line, supports the GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT43A, GTT50A, and GTT70A. Version includes minor updates to the user interface, the addition of new Image Assets, and new tools such as Animations, Image Sliders, and Image Nine-Slices.

FirmwareGTT Firmware GTT Rev2.0 Firmware R2.5.0.7838 2.5384.38KiB
SoftwareGTT Designer Software GTT 2.0 Design Software 1.36.4MiB

Develop and maintain gorgeous user interfaces and menu structures for your revision 2.0 GTT using this immersive Windows environment tool. Design Software for the GTT Rev2.0 line, supports the GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT43A, GTT50A, and GTT70A. Version includes minor updates to user interface and features, as well as new tools, such as Triangle Buttons and Sliders.

SoftwareGTT Designer Software GTT 2.0 Design Software 1.26.35MiB

Develop and maintain gorgeous user interfaces and menu structures for your revision 2.0 GTT using this immersive Windows environment tool. Design Software for the GTT Rev2.0 line, supports the GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT43A, GTT50A, and GTT70A. Version includes major updates to user interface, features, and tools.

FirmwareGTT Firmware GTT Rev2.0 Bootloader R1.5.0.7702 165.19KiB

Note: This is a bootloader upgrade only, simply copy the .bin and .raw files to your GTT Upgrade folder and cycle power. Do not delete the existing .bin firmware file. 

Changelog from R1.4.0.6931
  • Added support for new capacitive touch units

  • Updated startup implementation to remove a momentary white screen

FirmwareGTT Firmware GTT Rev2.0 Firmware R2.4.0.7300 2.4400.87KiB
SoftwareGTT Designer Software GTT 2.0 Design Software 1.12.86MiB

Develop and maintain gorgeous user interfaces and menu structures for your revision 2.0 GTT using this immersive Windows environment tool. Design Software for the GTT Rev2.0 line, supports the GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT43A, GTT50A, and GTT70A. Version includes fixes for labels and traces.

FirmwareGTT Firmware GTT Rev2.0 Firmware R2.3.0.6964 2.31.12MiB
FirmwareGTT Firmware GTT Rev2.0 Firmware R2.2.0.6069 2.2384.42KiB
FirmwareGTT Firmware GTT Rev2.0 Bootloader R1.3.6632 165.15KiB

Note: This is a bootloader upgrade only, simply copy the .bin and .raw files to your GTT Upgrade folder and cycle power. Do not delete the existing .bin firmware file.

Changelog from R1.2.6076 
  • Added alternate Keypad Mass Storage jumper option for GTT70A
FirmwareGTT Firmware GTT Rev2.0 Bootloader R1.4.0.6931 165.16KiB

Note: This is a bootloader upgrade only, simply copy the .bin and .raw files to your GTT Upgrade folder and cycle power. Do not delete the existing .bin firmware file. 

Changelog from R1.3.6632
  • Added robustness to USB file transfers
FirmwareGraphic Firmware Firmware Upgrader 100.87KiB

Firmware Upgrader for intelligent graphic displays with firmware revision 8.0 or higher.

SoftwareAlphanumeric Software Boot Edit 524.62KiB

Boot Edit is designed for modification of advanced features of the LK/VK/PK USB and MX series. This is a more advanced version of the Boot Logo software.

Boot Edit allows the setting of these features:

  • Custom startup screen using custom characters
  • Power on GPO and FAN settings, such as speed, and frequency
  • LCD Contrast, backlight brightness and VFD brightness

Compatible Displays:

  • LK/VK/PK202-25
  • LK/VK/PK202-24-USB
  • LK/VK204-24-USB
  • MOS-AL/AV/AP202
  • MOS-AL/AV204
  • All MX series

Only the MX and USB series support the Edit GPO Defaults section.

This application was written by Ray of LCD Studio. (Ray@lcdstudio.com)

SoftwareAlphanumeric Software Custom Character Tool 451.61KiB

This simple program to give you hex values for custom characters.

This program allows you to see the hex values per lines for custom characters making implication easier. Simply download the program, uncompress and run. You will require Microsoft .NET Framework Version 1.1, it can be downloaded from here.

This application was written by Ray of LCD Studio. (Ray@lcdstudio.com)

For technical discussions and questions, please visit our forums

SoftwareAlphanumeric Software Display Tuner 407KiB

This basic application allows you to test and set LCD Contrast, Brightness, VFD Brightness, set baudrate and send text to the display.

Compatible Displays:

All LK/VK/PK, MOS, MX and LCD/VFD series.

SoftwareAlphanumeric Software Boot Logo 40.03KiB

Boot Logo is designed for modification of the startup screen for some alphanumeric displays with startup screens.

The user has the ability to use the normal text from the display\'s font table, and the 8 custom characters.

Compatible Displays:



All MX series

This application was written by Ray of LCD Studio. (Ray@lcdstudio.com)

SoftwareAlphanumeric Software uProject 1.42MiB

uProject is an advanced testing software for Matrix Orbital displays. It allows testing of nearly all the features and allows test scripting and many other advanced features.

uProject (micro Project) is a series of different tools that should allow the testing of nearly all the features of most of our displays. uProject also features

scripting abilities to speed up testing or changing of a specific feature, such as backlight brightness or contrast.


All LK/VK/PK, MOS, MX and LCD/VFD series.

SoftwareGraphic Fonts Recta 13.75KiB

\"Recta\" is a fairly small proportional font. At 11x11 pixels, it is about as small as you can make a font and still have proper looking characters - especially lower case characters with \"decenders\" like \'j\' and \'g\'. The font is clean and readable and allows about 40 characters per line and 5 lines on a 240x64 display. Set font metrics to: character spacing = 1; line spacing = 1; left margin = 0; right margin = 0

SoftwareGraphic Fonts Small Filled Spanish 21.08KiB

\"Small Filled Spanish\" is the 6 x 7 pixel monospaced font which is has Spanish characters. It allows 40 characters per line and 8 lines of text on a 240 x 64 pixel display. Set font metrics to: character spacing = 0; line spacing = 1; left margin = 0; right margin =

SoftwareGraphic Fonts Small Filled 19.18KiB

\"Small Filled\" is the 6 x 7 pixel monospaced font which is loaded as font 1 at the factory. It allows 40 characters per line and 8 lines of text on a 240 x 64 pixel display. Set font metrics to: character spacing = 0; line spacing = 1; left margin = 0; right margin = 0

SoftwareGraphic Fonts Small Inversed Filled 16.42KiB

\"Small Inversed Filled\" is the 6 x 7 pixel monospaced font. It allows 40 characters per line and 8 lines of text on a 240 x 64 pixel display or 4x20 on a 122x32 pixel display. Set font metrics to: character spacing = 0; line spacing = 0; left margin = 0; right margin = 0

SoftwareGraphic Fonts Lucida Mono 19.09KiB

\"Lucida Mono\" is a 10 x 15 pixel monospaced font. It allows 21 characters per line and 4 lines on a 240 x 64 pixel display. Set font metrics to: character spacing = 1; line spacing = 1; left margin = 5; right margin = 0

SoftwareGraphic Fonts Futura 18.68KiB

\"Futura\" is the 14 pixel high proportional font which is loaded as font 2 at the factory. Depending on the specific characters printed, this font allows approximately 35 characters across the screen and 4 lines of text. Set font metrics to: character spacing = 1; line spacing = 0; left margin = 0; right margin = 0

SoftwareGraphic Fonts Small 17.12KiB

\"Small\" is the 5 x 7 pixel monospaced font. It allows 40 characters per line and 8 lines of text on a 240 x 64 pixel display. Set font metrics to: character spacing = 1; line spacing = 1; left margin = 1; right margin = 0

SoftwareGraphic Fonts Clean 15.88KiB

\"Clean\" is a very small, but still remarkably readable proportional font designed by William Ferrell of LCDproc fame. Depending on the specific characters printed, this font allows approximately 59 characters across the screen and 9 lines of text (GLK24064-25). Set font metrics to: character spacing = 1; line spacing = 1; left margin = 0; right margin = 0

SoftwareGraphic Software MOGD# Software 1.34MiB

This updated program is the new tool kit for all our graphic displays. It lets you upload fonts and bitmaps, set fonts and font metrics. As well, allows you test all the different features of the display. In addition this program allows you to create new fonts from existing fonts in your windows library. As well as convert graphic files, to a format that you can upload to the displays. This version supports all revisions of most graphic displays, including the following:

GLK12232A-25-SM, GLT12232A, GLK12232-25, GLK19264A-7T-1U, GLK24064R-25-1U, GLT24064R-1U, GLK24064-25, GLT24064, GLK240128-25, and GLT240128

Windows Installation

When installing on Windows we recommend installing to a folder other than \"Program Files\". Doing so will avoid any Administrative Permission errors.
*For example installing MOGD# to the desktop will avoid any of these errors.

Update: 1.1.8 4-Nov-2015-

  • Added support for one byte file IDs
  • Improved font optimization

Update: 1.1.7 26-Jan-2015-

  • Added monospacing and optimization for fonts

Update: 1.1.6 30-Jun-2014-

  • Added animation support
  • Added support for firmware revision 8.5 commands

Update: 1.1.5 31-Jan-2013

  • Extended language support for fonts
  • Code page can now be specified when generating a font

Update: 1.1.0 08-Mar-2011

  • GLK24064-25/GLT24064 PCB Rev4.0 support
  • GLK240128-25/GLT240128 PCB Rev4.0 support
  • Firmware revision is detected automatically
SoftwareGX Series Software GX Software Pack April 2011 13.09MiB

The software contains update drivers for Windows 7/Vista/XP in 32 and 64 bits and updated LcdStudio, this completely replaces the 2008 pack.

SoftwareGTT Designer Software GTT 2.0 Start Screens 02.0731.12KiB

Factory default start screens for the GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT43A, GTT50A, GTT57A, and GTT70A.

SoftwareGTT Autoexec Files GTT70A Autoexec 140B
SoftwareGTT Autoexec Files GTT57A Autoexec 140B
SoftwareGTT Autoexec Files GTT50A Autoexec 140B
SoftwareGTT Autoexec Files GTT43A Autoexec 140B
SoftwareGTT Support Software GTT 2.0 Support Software 02.1231.11KiB

Support Software for the GTT Rev2.0 line, supports the GTT35A, GTT38A, GTT43A, GTT50A, and GTT70A. Version adds support for byte and signed word array parameters.

SoftwareGTT Support Software GTT 1.0 Support Software 01.05.35MiB

Support Software for the Legacy GTT Rev1.0 line, supports the GTT480272A. Version includes a small fix to add flow control back into the auto detect process.

DriversGX Drivers GX Installation/Upgrade Guide 1.022.06MiB

The installation/upgrade manual for the GX series displays revision 1.02

SoftwareGTT Autoexec Files GTT38A Autoexec 2.0 2.0170B
SoftwareGTT Autoexec Files GTT35A Autoexec 2.0 2.0140B
DriversGX Drivers GX Software Pack August 2008 1.010.81MiB

The latest release available, this software pack includes the GX Installation/Upgrade manual, DriverCore build 97, GX Firmware Upgrade 2235, and LCDStudio revision 806.

DriversGX Drivers GX Software Pack April 2011 13.09MiB

The software contains update drivers for Windows 7/Vista/XP in 32 and 64 bits and updated LcdStudio, this completely replaces the 2008 pack.